Python tricks & traps

In this article I list out some tricks in Python programming. I will keep updating this post each time I find anything interesting.

Traps in default value

def append_list(num, res=[]):
  return res

l1 = append_list(1)
l2 = append_list(2)
l3 = append_list(3)


The code seem fine because every time the function itself would initialize an empty list and append a new value to it. However the result is very surprising:

[1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3]

This is because the default value, which is an empty list here keeps using the same address in the memory. Whenever value is specified for res, it simply use that same list on the specific memory address. These three list, l1, l2 and l3 are thus actually manipulating the same list.

The correct way to do this is as follows, which would kinda avoid this problem.

def append_list(num, res=None):
    if res == None:

l3 = append_list(3)


Python closure

def squares():
    res = []
    for i in range(3):
        def make_square(x):
            return i ** x
    return res

for square in squares():

The result is surprising because the functions in another function will not check the value of i until it runs. So it only looks at the value of i when all three make_square functions are ready, at which moment the value of i is already 3. One way to avoid the problem is to pass the index value explicitly to the function.

def squares():
    res = []
    for i in range(3):
        def make_square(x, i=i):
            return i ** x
    return res

for square in squares():

More details about closure in Python are available here.


To float before division

from __future__ import division

is or ==

why init